منصة السودان الأولى
التواصل الاجتماعي

Inshirah Oshi writes My beloved country Sudan is crying and will win


Inshirah Oshi writes

My beloved country Sudan is crying and will win

Where did these people come from

We read in history books about the Tatar war and what they did at the time and how the Muslims led by Saif al-Din Qutuz won the battle of Ain al-Jalut against them

And since our early childhood we have lived through the Zionists’ war on Palestine and the Israeli massacres in Palestinian cities and villages

And we closely followed the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and our eyes did not dry while we were watching the darkness of injustice and tyranny

But what is happening now in Sudan has surpassed all those wars in injustice, violation and genocide

This tyrannical, oppressive militia is killing the people of Sudan in cold blood without batting an eyelid.

The narrator told us that one of its members married one of them in a house in one of the stolen houses in Khartoum and during his first month with her they disagreed over a trivial matter so he killed her immediately and without batting an eyelid.

Another is killed in his home while defending his money.

And those whose honor and dignity were stolen and whose screams did not stop them, but rather their brutality and loss of humanity increased.

And those villages whose people were forcibly displaced without regard for an elderly person, an infant girl, or a sick old man.

And those young men who were forced to kneel tyrannically and unjustly and were forced to leave their homes or be killed.

And children who are falsely accused of being army spies, so they torture them and we watch their heart-rending screams as they protect their emaciated bodies from the ravages of sticks and whips.

And the doctors who were arrested and forced to work in treating their forces and are exposed to killing when a surgical operation or medical case fails.

All these violations and bitterness and the world turns a blind eye in a familiar fight, hateful impudence, and clear injustice.

Where did these new Tatars come from… who surpassed the Mongol Tatars and the most violent criminals in their violations?

Despite that, the people of Sudan set examples of endurance, patience in the face of harm, and entrusting matters to God… They go on as displaced persons, refugees, and those holding on to hot coals, and believing in victory over these criminals.

They wander in love with Sudan… They adore its soil and rally around the army in support and protection.

They write the strongest epics of patriotism… They sacrifice their lives and money in redemption for a homeland they loved, grew up in, carried its name, and loved to draw.

They painted a dazzling picture that overflows with certainty in God, patience, and endurance in bearing the affliction… They came together and their ranks closed, knowing that calamities bring the afflicted together.

The ordeal turned into a blessing, and despite the war, many managed their affairs with strength and certainty that are enviable.

Despite the wounds and loss… Despite the nation’s pain and sorrows, the people of Sudan will remain strong… Their confidence that God’s victory is near is their provision to continue the journey… And then their confidence in the Sudanese army is limitless.

They feed on patience, knowing that all the patient have been healed.

Sudan is a homeland that we loved to the dregs and we will remain so

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